[ale] Rasp-pi Printer server

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Wed May 31 14:02:27 EDT 2017

I have clues (I think) about using a Rasp-PI as a printer server for the 
Macs and iPads that my daughters use at their home. Getting something 
working shouldn't be a huge issue.

What I'm wondering about, because I haven't found any suggestions during 
my initial web wanderings, is 1) removing the unneeded software from the 
server 2) automating the software updates and 3) improving their security 
stance when the server is live.

I realize that I can brute force the removal of unneeded software from a 
default Raspian install with "sudo apt-get remove" until the second or 
third wall of exhaustion happens, but there should be a better approach. I 
just haven't found it obviously!

Getting the software updates automated should be simple, but I'm not 
comfortably familiar enough with Debian environments to think I will catch 
all of the issues - just the lowest hanging fruits.

Finally, nobody with a decent security clue will be keeping an eagle eye 
on the girls. Other than "don't do this", anything I _really_ need to do 
here? I'm thinking more in the form of a check list unfortunately.

I thank the list for the use of their bandwidth

Thompson Freeman

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