[ale] OT - SQL

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Mon May 15 15:01:00 EDT 2017

On 2017-05-15 06:59, Lightner, Jeffrey wrote:
> Mention of SQL made me think of the latest Bourne movie which finally hit HBO this month.   It starts with a scene that has a room full of "hackers" (Icelandic I think) and the subtitle for what one of them says is something like:   "Use SQL to attack their database."
> It made me laugh out loud that some scriptwriter thought he was providing some cool technojargon that only hackers would know and obviously had no clue that SQL is commonly used for day to day operations.   I kept waiting to see another subtitle saying something like "Use rm to delete their files!".

If they left in the word "injection" it would make sense.

It's not the worst technojargon atrocity in the movie and certainly not
as bad as other movies and TV shows have done.

Try this one (from one of the CSI shows):

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