[ale] Cloud Storage recommendations?

Jeff Layton laytonjb at att.net
Wed Jan 18 13:29:17 EST 2017

Good afternoon!

This is a little off-topic but only somewhat. I would like to keep a 
copy of file from several of my systems, including Linux and Windows 
systems, in the cloud with some replication or protection. All told, 
it's maybe 1.5 TB or so (not too much) but alot of files :) I won't be 
accessing the files - it's more of a live backup than anything (I'm 
tired of doing my own backups).

I want to be able to do something simple such as,

cp -r * <bucket>

with whatever command line tools are out there.

I've been using Amazon's S3 standard for some time. The current price 
for 1.5TB in us-east-1 is $35.21/month (actually not too bad).

I tried Backblaze b2 but the tools are pretty clunky, it's not 
redundant, and using their help system is an exercise in frustration (I 
would enter the captcha correctly but when I hit submit it would tell me 
that the captcha was wrong. Plus there is no good way to email them).

Any other services I should be checking?



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