[ale] [OT] Recuiters

Lightner, Jeffrey JLightner at dsservices.com
Mon Aug 28 15:52:50 EDT 2017

I get a lot of hits for same job from apparent Indian recruiters.   I think it is just folks polling public sites and trying to get a fee by presenting you.

Although the volume is up in recent years (I suspect it is one Indian boiler room with multiple recruiters) getting multiple hits for the same job is something I saw as far back as 2002.

If you DO let someone present you make sure no one else does as well.   Some of the “recruiters” were said to present you to an employer even if you told them you’d already been presented so as to block you and then present their own preferred candidate.   Reportedly if an employer got you from more than one source they’d toss your resume because they didn’t want to get into legal argument about which “recruiter” presented you first.

Back in 2002 there was one recruiter here in Atlanta that called me on a weekly basis and it dawned on me they were doing that to find out what jobs were available by asking what I’d applied for rather than ever really presenting me.   I finally told them it was none of their business where I’d applied if they hadn’t presented me.

From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of dev null zero two
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 3:40 PM
Cc: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!
Subject: Re: [ale] [OT] Recuiters

I usually get 5-6 recruiters hit me up for the same contract position. It comes in waves. No idea why.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Chuck Payne <terrorpup at gmail.com<mailto:terrorpup at gmail.com>> wrote:

I need to ask. Is there a scam with H1B1? If you get a call from a recruiter I won't say from where that you don't want that job, do they then push another candidate?

Today, there is a new job that just opened in Alpharetta, GA, cool. I am looking.  I am not making this up, I got no more than 28 calls on the SAME DAMN job.  28!!!

I am now scared that is a scam or something, I can understand one or two calls on the same job, but not 28.

Does anyone have a clue or something they can give explain to me, why some many?

Oh, Friday, when the job opened at GA Tech, I got ten calls and emails on it. That why I am really freaking out.

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