[ale] DHCP testing

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Wed Aug 23 11:58:31 EDT 2017

I'm using pfSense and I have a client using some Cisco DHCP. We both need to set certain options in DHCP (option 66 and 160) for SIP phones. I know how to set it in pfSense. Obviously if the phone works I did it right, but is there a way to manually test a DHCP server, particularly the extra options? It would also be handy if someone know a way to test from a Windows box, but a Linux command would be helpful too. 

I tried: 

$ sudo dhcping -v -c <my IP address> -s <pfSense IP> -h 00:04:f2:14:53:47 -t 20 

but I always get "no answer". That's the phone MAC but I also tried with the Linux box's MAC. 

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