[ale] [OT] Effective, non-ripoff, cheaper-than-Comcast/AT&T Internet for apartment

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Apr 14 19:50:17 EDT 2017

On 2017-04-14 15:16, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> What's the move these days for an Atlanta apartment dweller (my aunt)
> who needs Wifi internet for her laptop and scant little else? I used to
> know someone a few years ago who had the Clear service (basically a
> cell-system-connected hotspot box) but that seems to have gone away,
> bought by Sprint.

How much traffic?  You can get an AT&T Unite hotspot (it's a Netgear
that can be loaded with prepaid cards to purchase data allotments.  I
picked up one for travel use so I wouldn't have to depend on hotel
wireless service or, with a beam antenna, get some basic network service
at long distances (like middle of nowhere Arizona/New Mexico).  No name
is attached to the unit and I can buy the cards almost anywhere (grocery
stores, Walmart, etc.)

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