[ale] Tmux, where have you been alll my life?

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Sep 22 19:01:43 EDT 2016

>> I'm curious about your setup I'll check your .dotfiles.

> If you (or anyone else) has any questions about this, I'm happy to answer them
> if I can. And let me know if anything I've said here needs more clarification.

> --

I'm playing with you tmux config and do have a question about using vim in a window. Sometimes I'm not sure if I did change from edit to command mode. I'll hit ESC again. What I notice in tmux is that if I do this and then use up arrow to navigate I enter into edit mode and then remove lines when I hit the up arrow again. Maybe no solution to than other than to just be careful? 

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