[ale] Raspberry Pi Zero $0.99

Jeremy T. Bouse jeremy.bouse at undergrid.net
Fri Sep 9 21:27:00 EDT 2016

On 9/9/2016 7:52 PM, Byron Jeff wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 07:21:08PM -0400, Ted W. wrote:
>> Thanks for the lead on this. I went out last night and picked one up.
>> One thing to note. These are not one per person but, rather, one per
>> household. I tried to get my wife to pick one up but they wouldn't let
>> her since she has the same address as I do. I suspect, however, if you
>> gave an alternate address and checked out separately they wouldn't
>> notice or much care.
> No need. Pay cash and give them no information at all. I bring the fam and
> hand out cash. 
> I'll likely pick up some more this weekend.
>> On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 03:27:28PM -0400, Mark at markulmer.com  wrote:
>>> FYI. Just letting you know Micro Center has the Raspberry PI Zero v1.3 project boards for $0.99 (that's 99 cents | one per person). And they actually plenty of them.  
>>> Please note this is not the normal Raspberry Pi. The zero is a small card and you might want to look up this specs. 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark Ulmer
 While it isn't built using the Pi Zero, I recently completed my
Raspberry Pi 2 NTP stratum 1 server build. I didn't use my Raspberry Pi
3 as there had been some reported issues getting the GPS HAT working on
the 3 because of the Bluetooth and WiFi being added. With everything
included I got it put together for just over $100.

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