[ale] ALENW meeting requested for all VIRTUALIZATION presentation

Narahari 'n' Savitha savithari at gmail.com
Thu May 5 08:00:46 EDT 2016

Dear Friends:

This email is a request for a ALENW meeting to talk/discuss about the diff
virtualization technologies.  More of what/why and bit of how to use  .

Virtualbox vs libvirt
virt-manager and the use of vnc to create vm's without 'X' on them
lxc vs docker
docker swarm vs kuernetes vs mesos
when not to use docker
what docker does when you run it
how can docker run diff os even though they share stuff ?
what is all this cgroups
why is docker so popular ?
Alternatives to docker ?
why can't you run windows inside docker ?
why folks say docker can't be capped with memory limits and therefore has
to run inside VM ?
processes on the host vs inside the docker container ?

ovirt and what is that all about ?

Vagrant and why use it ?
Alternatives to Vagrant ?
Packer and why use that ?

A group of knowledgeable people can help folks get a better handle ?

Is ALE NW or ALE CENTRAL or that 400 group that meets on Sundays the place
to be ?

Love to hear input from folks.

Can I request a meeting  for this ?

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