[ale] 3 days of 3+ hrs Comcast Outages!

DJ-Pfulio DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat Jun 4 12:06:53 EDT 2016

The last 3 days, comcast.biz has had outages in my area of over 3 hrs.
1st happened in the evening, but the next two were during important
hours: 10am-3pm.

Am I alone?  East Cobb.

I love how they suggest we visit their website to get more information
about an internet outage. Can´t get to the web without internet.  On
Monday, it will take an hour to get ¨credit¨ for their outages, costing
them more than the outage just to handle that processing.  If we all do
it, costing them more and more, perhaps they will learn?

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2014ms

I don´t have a problem with planned downtime for annual maintenance.
Would love it if those plans were shared and scheduled for weekend
nights.  You know - like how real businesses do this stuff?

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