[ale] OT: Wireless lifespan !?!

DJ-Pfulio DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Thu Jul 21 12:07:36 EDT 2016

On 07/21/2016 08:54 AM, Boris Borisov wrote:
> Can wireless device wear out overtime? I have cheap N150 router which
> was acceptable so far. Kids were able to play online games without big
> ping times and jitter. Now is terible. Lag jitter and buffering pauses
> on video streaming.
> I guess is time for next router.

What I would do:

Router: pfsense/ipcop/smoothwall/opensense
Wifi: Ubiquiti WAP - night and day compared to other cheap wifi options.

Avoid consumer all-in-on devices. Why?

* makers don't provide security patches for the useful life of the
device. Aftermarket firmware updates really aren't that much better.
* Not being tied to specific maker hardware is great.
* Interference between the wifi and router components is real. A few
feet DOES make a difference.
* With PoE wifi like the Ubiquiti WAPs, it is relatively easy to put the
wifi where you need it, not where the router needs to be. An ethernet
run through the attic to the center of the house is much easier than
trying to (find power AND run the ethernet) to the center of the house.
Not to mention that chaining to add another WAP on the opposite side of
the house is possible too.
* WiFi standards are rapidly changing. Avoid having to reconfigure the
router just to upgrade to a new 2Gbps std that comes out next year.

OTOH, I didn't switch from "G" until a few months ago, so what do I know?


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