[ale] Sigh. Another Old White Guy hates and fears computers

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Tue Feb 23 11:29:53 EST 2016

On Tue, 23 Feb 2016 09:49:39 -0500
Charles Shapiro <hooterpincher at gmail.com> wrote:

> What ticks me off about this is the general cluelessness.  It bugs me
> when people assume that because digital creativity, elegance, and
> beauty look a little different they are somehow less valid.  Unix is
> now over 40 years old, and many of us still use the original tools
> created by Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, Alfred Aho, and countless
> others. Those tools are still working on the very latest and
> spiffiest smartphones. If Mr. Cohen can't be bothered to dig into the
> stuff he uses every day, that's a failing on his part.
> I'm not necessarily a techno-utopian, but YouTube now means that even
> some kid working with his friends in his divorced dad's basement can
> make a hit TV show. Heck, sites like vine.co and imgur.com mean that
> it might need to be only a few seconds long. Twitter means that even
> a shut-in Palestinian woman might-could have access to millions of
> readers. The time when you need to pass some editor's or TV
> executive's whim in order to reach an audience is past. Roger Cohen
> might think that's bad, but I'm excited about it.
> -- CHS

I wish you'd skipped your first (very offtopic) post and just posted
the this one. Rather than trying to make associations based on race,
gender and age, this post recognizes the genius of, I guess I'll call
it, Unix and POSIX. You know what I mean.

And this post makes it very clear that Unix and POSIX are part of
something very relevant to society in general.


Steve Litt 
February 2016 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence

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