[ale] ISCSI array on virtual machine

James Sumners james.sumners at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 15:07:06 EDT 2016

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Todor Fassl <fassl.tod at gmail.com> wrote:
> But, Jim, what I'm asking is why bother carving it up at all? What benefit
> is there in that?

That's my view as well. But my director thinks otherwise. So I do it
to keep him from hounding me about it.

> I get that if you use LVM and ext4 file systems, you can resize the
> partitions. But if I made the whole 8T one big partition, I'd never have any
> reason to resize it.

Never say never. Increasing that 8TB to 16TB is easy with LVM. It's
not so easy if you decided you didn't need LVM at the start.

James Sumners
http://james.sumners.info/ (technical profile)
http://jrfom.com/ (personal site)
http://haplo.bandcamp.com/ (band page)

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