[ale] Turn-key backup software

Alan Hightower alan at alanlee.org
Mon Sep 21 04:00:23 EDT 2015


I'm in need of a backup solution. 

First, most of my personal data I can't stand to lose I rsync across
several servers at three physical locations nightly. I also manually
push it to cloud based cold storage occasionally. But I don't currently
version that data beyond the few source code repositories contained
within. All of my data, both critical and non, is kept on live storage
that is RAID 6 or better. Recently with the growing proliferation of
cyptolocker variants, DoS attacks and penetration probes on my machines,
etc, I have realized the work involved in replacing the non-critical
data is just as significant and the risk of malicious damage just as

I just picked up a free LTO-4 Ultium SAS drive from an enterprise
upgrade and am looking to start keeping routine full, diff, and
incremental off-line tape copies just in case. I have two Linux boxes
(one rsync'd to the other nightly) and a Windows 7 workstation I need to
natively back-up. And I am willing to pay a few hundred dollars for a
commercial solution if it is pretty much turn-key and well supported
when a disaster happens at 4am. Does anyone have any recommendations on
FOSS or budget commercial software that would support both client OSs, a
2 node install, fairly easy to use, and not ultra-finicky about
distributions? (I'm running FC21 atm). 

Thanks in advance, 

-Alan H. 

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