[ale] Republicans’ “Internet Freedom Act” would wipe out net neutrality | Ars Technica

DJ-Pfulio djpfulio at jdpfu.com
Sun Mar 8 12:56:57 EDT 2015

On 03/08/2015 10:47 AM, Byron Jeff wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 07:41:27AM -0400, DJ-Pfulio wrote:
>> I lived in Houston before moving here - not in a baby-bell area. My phone was
>> $11/month.  Moved to Smyrna - BellSouth - $26/month.
>> 'nuff said.
> Standard land line. How quaint!

That was in the mid-90s.  I've been on VoIP for over a decade.
VOIP.ms - $4.95/month. Excellent service worldwide. I've heard good things about
CallCentric too.  I've been burned by a few of the less-good voip providers over
the years.

> VOIP and Google Voice has deregulated this market already. I have a
> Callcentric DID with E911 service for $4.50 a month. Incoming calls routed
> in via GV. By virtualizing my home number, I never have to worry about that
> number being tied to a particular provider ever again. If I ever give up my
> AT&T cell service, I'll do exactly the same with my cell number.

Until google finally follows thru on their g-voice cancel threat. BTW - I was on
the beta years before google bought the g-voice company. Can't remember the name
now. I have a great number. ;)

>> Comcast needs to be broken up, but not in the same way that AT*T was. More like
>> how natural gas has been deregulated in Georgia.
> There isn't a direct correlation between the two. The primary difference is
> the fact that natural gas is exactly the same no matter who's marketing it.
> However with digital content, each provider offers different content that
> has to be delivered. Comcast has comcast only content that neither Charter,

No. I disagree.  Digital pipes ARE the same as gas pipes.  I don't care about
content provided directly from the people running the pipes.

Content is a different issue, completely. All-together now ....
When did this discussion switch from broadband internet to TV?
TV has nothing to do with internet.  Just ask Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Cox, ...

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