[ale] Republicans’ “Internet Freedom Act” would wipe out net neutrality | Ars Technica

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sat Mar 7 19:07:42 EST 2015

Remember also that prior to Judge Greene's ruling, you could not have
owned your own equipment, run down to the nearest electronics store to
buy any phone you wanted, or even really plugged standard modems into
the system.  That Racal Milgo wasn't going to be plugged into the wall
prior to Greene.  The proliferation of high speed and DSL modems and,
subsequently, the expansion of Internet service is a result of that
ruling (cable companies only jumping aboard much later when they saw the
potential revenue stream).

On 2015-03-07 13:38, James Taylor wrote:
> What I remember is, when I had a problem, they told me it was a problem on my end.
> After I checked everything and found everything configured and functioning properly, they would run a test (which would reset their equipment) and found nothing wrong again, but this time everything started to miraculously work.
> -jt 
> James Taylor
> 678-697-9420
> james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
>>>> Jim Lynch <ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com> 3/7/2015 4:24 PM >>> 
> The Judge made my life harder.  Before his ruling, I picked up the phone 
> and called AT&T when the network wasn't working.  It got fixed.  
> Afterwards, I called AT&T and after a bit, they told me it wasn't their 
> problem, so I called Racal Milgo and guess what?  It wasn't their 
> problem either.  It took 2x 3x maybe 4x the amount of time to get the 
> network back.
> Progress...
> On 03/07/2015 04:14 PM, James Taylor wrote:
>> Now you're making us all feel old....
>> -jt
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