[ale] creating an init.d script

Todor Fassl fassl.tod at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 09:18:33 EST 2015

On 02/17/2015 04:04 PM, James Sumners wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Todor Fassl <fassl.tod at gmail.com 
> <mailto:fassl.tod at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     The more I google, the more confused I get. It looks like
>     /etc/init.d/ is depricated in favor of /etc/init/ scripts and
>     something called upstart. Well, screw it. Your sample script will
>     do. Thanks.
> Except no. That has been deprecated for systemd. Good luck getting a 
> simple script from a mailing list for that.

F'in eh! Well, I actually found an upstart config file for a FlexLM 
daemon and with a few minor modifications, that worked. I rebooted my 
license server and the license  manager daemon came back up. This is a 
brand new ubuntu server trusty tahr (what's a tahr?) virtual server. So 
upstart must still be being used. There are like 20 conf files in 

I have seen mentions of systemd on this list but I never paid much 
attention, not even to the controversy. I figured I'd just do whatever I 
had to do once it all got sorted out.  It's not like my opinion actually 
matters, right?

But after reading the wikipedia page on systemd, I can understand the 
controversy. I am not saying I support the critics but I can understand 
both the desire for something like systemd and why it would be 
controversial. Holy cow, what a mess.

Speaking of messes ... Say you want to restart a service where you made 
the upstart conf yourself. Say you haven't gotten to writing an initd 
script yet. If you log into your server as root (with bash as the 
default shell) and type "service <partial-service-name><tab>" it doesn't 
work. What it will do is fill in the name of an init.d script with the 
same or similar name. Perhaps an example will help ...

My Maple18 upstart configuration file is /etc/init/maplelm.conf. My 
first attempt at writing an init.d script was called 
/etc/init.d/maple-lmgrd. If I type "service maple<tab>", it fills in 
maple-lmgrd -- which is wrong because that's an init.d script. If I 
wanted to run the init.d script, I'd type /etc/init.d/maple<tab>. If I 
type "service maple<tab>" it should look in /etc/init/ for a conf that 
begins with "maple".

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