[ale] Ssh config question

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Sat Feb 14 09:01:05 EST 2015

Thanks, I wasn't aware I could have multiple Host blocks for the same url.

On 02/13/2015 04:39 PM, James Sumners wrote:
> How about this:
> ```
> Host normalB
>   HostName b.example.com <http://b.example.com>
>   User normal
>   Port 2222
> Host rootB
>   HostName b.example.com <http://b.example.com>
>   User root
>   Port 2222
> ```
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Jim Lynch 
> <ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com <mailto:ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com>> 
> wrote:
>     I have a backup being run on a system that then uses scp to copy
>     the archive to another system.  The backup is running on system A
>     as root and copies to system B as a normal user, e. g. scp
>     backup.tar normal at B.example.com <mailto:normal at B.example.com>. In
>     my /root/.ssh/config file I have
>     Host B.example.com <http://B.example.com>
>     Port 2222
>     I did a ssh-copy-id normal at B.example.com
>     <mailto:normal at B.example.com> AND
>     ssh-copy-id B.example.com <http://B.example.com>
>     So ssh works fine to root at B.example.com
>     <mailto:root at B.example.com> but not to normal at B.example.com
>     <mailto:normal at B.example.com>
>     If I change the ssh port back to 22 it works as advertised,
>     connecting to either, but it won't connect to another user on
>     B.example.com <http://B.example.com> with an alternate port. In
>     the man page for .ssh/config there is a User key word but I'm
>     guessing that would force all connections to the host to use that
>     user.
>     Other than putting the port number on the command is there a way
>     around this problem?
>     scp -P 2222 backup.tar normal at B.example.com
>     <mailto:normal at B.example.com> works.
>     Thanks,
>     Jim.
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> -- 
> James Sumners
> http://james.sumners.info/ (technical profile)
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