[ale] Ot: chromebook

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Sat Aug 22 21:13:34 EDT 2015

Except that much of the 'fluoride' used to floradate water is not a pure 
pharmaceutical grade but a by-product of the fertilizer industry and is 
often contaminated with radioactive polonium.

Sorry, but this is a hot button with me. Fluoride belongs in stuff you put 
*on* your teeth, not in the water you drink. Even our 'reluctant to ever 
admit they were once wrong' TLA (sorry forget which one) government agency 
recently cut the recommended rate in half because there are so many better 
sources for fluoride today.


On Saturday 22 August 2015, Jim Kinney wrote:
> I like my fluoride. It's not fair that only those people whose well water
> runs through the right type if rocks have better teeth. So adding ground
> up rocks to the water was a pretty decent thing to do for public health.
> Ranks right up there with sewage treatment systems and getting lead out of
> gasoline.

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