[ale] Open Source Test Bank Oriented Test/Exam Generator

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Fri Sep 5 17:19:15 EDT 2014

I've been futzing around for the past two weeks or so looking for 
something that can maintain a test bank data base, generate and format at 
least semiprofessionally random tests and quizzes, figure point values 
with minimal hints, that an adjunct can afford to use and take to the next 
school (I know adjuncts working 4 different schools at the same time - 
lets not get close to licensing issues!) By vast desire, fully open 
source even if they expect a minimal support fee.

I've somewhat looked at "Respondus" (sp?), which appears to do everything 
needed. And lisenced up the wazoo best I can figure (I can cheat on one 
school I'm associated with but...) For the equivelent of 6 contact hours 
of pay, there is a private lisence under Windows <<shudder>>

Lets not talk about vendor supplied test generators or their free to use 
while you use our book test bank. The test questions (at least for 
chemistry) suck at near black hole intensities. There are nice things to 
say about multiple guess - but I don't believe in lying to say them. In 
fact, I hate them.

(IF you wonder about US education, take a look at how dependent the 
schools are on the textbook vendors for a possible large negative 
influence. IMHO of course, and IANAL etc etc. But I'd love to see a 
physicist/chemist/biologist apply the standards of their fields to 
investigating the publishers.)

Is there such a beast available (Exam generator, open source, good 
formating at least - I can contribute test questions)? I'm suspecting not, 
so do any of the list members associated with academia know of a resource 
who might fall in love with creating such a thing? Windows is probably a 
needed platform, but if it ain't Linux I for one will try to look further.

I've had two supervisors tell me I'm writing pretty decent tests, but they 
take too long to write in batches of 3-4 (one per section, one for outside 
testing, and a space just in case). I need a better way, and I don't think 
I'm alone in this.

Thanks as always for a stimulating list, and the use of your bandwidth.

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