[ale] OT: apache2, perl and shtml?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Oct 28 16:14:19 EDT 2014

On 2014-10-28 08:24, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   I have a .shtml file which has a nice form which runs a perl script in
> cgi-bin.  I need the output of the perl script to be read as shtml so I can
> include my index.  Anyone know how to tell apache to do this?  I have the
> output being printed correctly, apache just isn't honoring the directives
> in it.

Apache won't interpret the output of a CGI script.  However, you could
submit to an shtml file that then has an include for your CGI script in
addition to your other directives.  The alternative is to have the CIG
script write out its output to an shtml file (including any directives)
and then the CGI sends back to Apache a redirect that pulls up the
generated file.

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