[ale] [ANNC] ALE-NW @ SPSU MTG. for Thurs., Mar 13, 7:30pm

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Thu Mar 6 09:32:56 EST 2014

When duplicity is installed, the dependencies are automatically handled, IME.

librsync1 is the package on Ubuntu boxes. I probably got it with
rsync/rdiff-backup - couldn't say.

Python 2.6 is pre-installed in the base packages.

ncftp is only needed IFF FTP is used to push files. ssh (scp/sftp) is used.
Wasn't installed here, though I have used it before, just not since learning
about curl/wget.

boto - no clue what that is. No *boto* packages on my boxes.

On 03/06/2014 08:43 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On 03/06/2014 08:04 AM, JD wrote:
>> Topic: 		Backup simplicity with Duplicity
>> Date:  		3/13 @ 7:30p – 9:30p-ish
> besides the fact that the web site says it is a beta, it also requires librsync.
> from the librsync site:
>     Requirements
> Duplicity requires a POSIX-like operating system. It is best used under
> GNU/Linux. It also requires:
>   * Python v2.4 or later (Python Home <http://www.python.org/>)
>   * librsync v0.9.6 or later (librsync Home <http://librsync.sourceforge.net/>)
>   * GnuPG for encryption (GnuPG Home <http://www.gnupg.org/>)
>   * NcFTP version 3.1.9 or later (NcFTP Home <http://www.ncftp.com/>)
>   * Boto 1.6a or later (Boto Home <http://code.google.com/p/boto>)
> librsync is currently pre-1.0, with most important functionality working.
> apt-get install librsync doesn't work, so it isn't in the Debian repositories..

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