[ale] Mostly OT: Perl to ms sql ( aka, how can I NOT use windows/vb, etc to suck data out of a sql server system)

Robert L. Harris robert.l.harris at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 16:14:13 EDT 2014

Anyone using perl to connect to a ms sql server DB?  I'm working on a
script to pull data out of a corporate DB.  I can connect with sqsh and
isql with the DSN but using perl's DBI:ODB is throwing errors.  I've been
hacking through it but getting tired of the walls.

  Anyone I can chat with off-list?  Once the scripts are working I'll
happily post scripts and configs so others can find the info in an archive,
save, etc.

 No, changing the DB is not an option.


Robert L. Harris

      These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
       ALONE.  I speak for                      First One Should Be A Man
       no-one else.                                     - Manowar
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