[ale] semi OT: ubuntu from vmware to physical

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Thu Jul 3 11:50:58 EDT 2014

On 07/03/2014 11:34 AM, Boris Borisov wrote:
> Hello wizards :)
> Friend of mine ( sort of web developer ) has ubuntu vmware install on
> windows host. Now he is decided to move the same install to partition
> on the same windows harddrive. I suggest to free space on the disk and
> create new partition + swap then to attach the new partition under
> vmware ubuntu machine -> run some live distro and copy ubuntu install
> to the new physical partition. Then should be grub install game.
> Do I missing something and giving him some bad ideas :)
> _______________________________________________

HostOS: Windows - which release? 32/64-bit
GuestOS: Ubuntu - what?  release, server, desktop?
VMware: ... they make 6 VM products which one is he using?

Going from virtual to physical isn't easy.
The way I move entire VMs around is:
 It should work for VM-to-Phy migrations too.

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