[ale] OT: Office 365

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Fri Jan 31 16:29:41 EST 2014

Oh, they don't host the email? I figured it was more like the Google apps offering where they stored everything for you in the cloud. In that case you'd have to point your MX record at them, of course. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Chris Fowler" <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> 
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org> 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 4:10:47 PM 
Subject: Re: [ale] OT: Office 365 

On 01/31/2014 03:58 PM, Scott Plante wrote: 

That said, 365 is probably still better than Outlook on the client. (Talk about a low bar!) Has anyone tried using 365 from a Linux box or Chromebook? 

I've signed up for a business 30 day trial and it seems they are forcing Exchange creation. They want me to provide the domain and proof of ownership. This leads me to believe they will want me to change the MX records in my domain to them and thus forcing Exchange. They support IMAP and POP3 so that means that I would have to configure my mail server to pull my mail from them so I can use my own procmail filters and Linux based clients. 

I'm looking at the Home Premium version now to see how it does Outlook. Most home users can only acess mail via POP3 or IMAP so I'm thinking they would be forced to do that. Problem is that it is $9.99/mon vs $5. 

Confused as hell now.... 

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