[ale] What did we want?

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Fri Jan 31 13:31:13 EST 2014

On 01/31/2014 12:45 PM, Neal Rhodes wrote:
> Just in the spirit of keeping the discussion rolling, I will note that actually
> Apple has done a MUCH BETTER job of providing security updates than Android.   
> This is likely more the fault of phone carriers than Google.
> The list of currently running Android phones which have no security updates, or
> any android updates at all, is rather large, i.e. pretty much all of them.   It
> seems the carriers lose interest in providing updates after the phone is sold.
> According to the chart I saw, pretty much all the iphone models can/are
> updated.  Granted, there aren't as many models.

Let me assure you that on directly Google-sold android devices, they have new
releases every few months AND push them out - sometimes more often than I'd like.

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