[ale] [ANNC] ALE-NW @ SPSU MTG. for Thurs., Feb 13, 7:30pm
Aaron Ruscetta
arxaaron at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 10:03:21 EST 2014
The issues I find with interactive meeting streaming aren't so much
with the server
the software.... Big Blue Button is pretty capable, just no meeting
record (at least
when you use it for free), and it is totally cross platform since it
is all browser based.
The biggest challenge here is finding adequate server bandwidth in a
free service.
The problematic challenges are in providing worthwhile video and audio from the
presentation in a way that is _completely_transparent_ to the
presenter and easily
managed by the meeting moderator(s). If the presenter has to do anything in the
way of learning specialized software tools or managing remote attenders and
streaming details in addition to giving their presentation then the
system is not
workable. Just like a TV broadcast, all the video and audio and streaming tech
management needs to be handled by the meeting staff, but I have yet to see a
method or system that allows this to be done easily. I have the tools
and talents
to set up a TV studio at every meeting, but it isn't worth the time and effort,
especially for the tiny number of viewers we're likely to reach.
in peace,
On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 5:50 AM, JD <jdp at algoloma.com> wrote:
> Run with it! You are now the "expert."
> On 02/13/2014 04:19 PM, Boris Borisov wrote:
>> I've downloaded today for test purpose openmcu-ru windows binary and their
>> myphone3 app for windows ( expecting flames :)
>> and seems to work out of box. Managed to get three of my home PCs connected.
>> There is Linux packages/sources as well.
>> http://openmcu.ru/eng.htm
>> Also tried to download test DVD with openmeetings project but my PC crashed once
>> and screw the md5. When I have more time I'll try again.
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/meetingslive/
>> some vmware images for test also ... newer versions
>> http://nightly.openmeetings.de/openmeetings/builds/vmware/
>> But I don't have idea what we are looking after as quality and features.
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Aaron Ruscetta <arxaaron at gmail.com
>> <mailto:arxaaron at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> RE: Linux ETC BBB conference hosting
>> Spoke to Crawford, our Linux ETC contact, just the other day
>> addressing another topic and we side lined into the issue of
>> our BBB conferencing status.
>> We never really explored their offering due to the technical
>> complexities and logistics required to properly and interactively
>> broadcast (aka stream) our meetings -- really a lot of equipment,
>> setup time and work that would have primarily fallen on me to
>> make happen every month. I rarely even get around to editing
>> and packaging the talks I record as it is.
>> If the Big Blue Button service provided recording support for the
>> stream it MIGHT have seemed more worthwhile. As it stands,
>> Crawfird says that the main BBB development fork is stagnant,
>> it only runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and really isn't worth their time and
>> effort to support any more.
>> He recommended a commercially developed service using a fork
>> of BBB called Meeting Burner...
>> <http://www.meetingburner.com/index?page=features>
>> ...but the free version still doesn't have recording and the
>> front end equipment and setup issues are still a sticking point.
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