[ale] non-technical Linux question

Jeremy T. Bouse Jeremy.Bouse at UnderGrid.net
Tue Feb 11 18:58:15 EST 2014

On 02/11/2014 05:08 PM, Boris Borisov wrote:
> I've read the JD bio from the announcement for the Thursday meeting
> and He says that got introduced to world of Linux in 1993 ...
> What is your first encounter with Linux/Unix world?
> Mine as far as I remember is maybe 1994-1995 year I found a little
> distribution called Monkey Linux
> http://projectdevolve.tripod.com/text/descript.htm. I installed it on
> the company computer running WIN95 needing no repartition. So I've
> learned few things back there :)
> Around the same time I've tried Minix on old 286 Pc at home.

I can't recall the exact hardware specs... But I cut my teeth on the SLS
distribution back in '93 which pre-dated Slackware. I went to Sam's Club
and bought a mass amount of floppy disks and spent the next several days
non-stop downloading before I started installing. I just kept
re-installing when I'd screw up and start over until I go to the point I
could get the entire system rebuilt including re-partitioning and
everything in under 30 minutes changing out floppy disks as needed.

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