[ale] Linux Desktop

David S Jackson deepbsd.ale at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 22:45:06 EST 2014

On Tue, 2014-12-09 at 15:52 -0500, Chris Fowler wrote:
> I was googling for hardware to build a new Linux desktop yesterday and
> found zareason.   below is a link to a screen shot.  Is this a fair
> price?  Is there a local source?
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2486826/zareason.png
> My goal is to replace my current development workstation.  I compile a
> whole tree of a linux system with software and  I need to replace my
> machine and I want to speed it up too.

I'm curious to hear what you wound up doing?

Personally, this looked a little bit pricey for an AMD setup.  For this
price I would expect an Intel solution.  But you should be able to run a
nice desktop environment from here on AMD also.  

What desktop do you want to run?


PS.  I recently had Emperor build me a nice laptop.  It was expensive,
but it was nice.  If your goal is to save $$, I would say install
yourself.  Emperor is mainly about laptops I believe.  

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