[ale] [OT] - Ethanol-free gas in the Atlanta area?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Sep 20 03:43:33 EDT 2013

Ethanol is extremely hydrophilic[1].  It will absorb water right out of
the atmosphere which is what causes half of the damage to an engine (it
also degrades fuel hoses and dissolves the rubber into the fuel).  For a
car, the turnover on a tank of gas is high enough (for most people) that
not much water is absorbed (plus cars have reasonably well sealed fuel
systems.)  Two-stroke engines usually have vented fuel tanks.  Couple
that with sitting in storage and you give the fuel enough time to suck
up water.

[1] Fun experiment:  Pour some ethanol into a container to some volume.
 Pour an identical volume of water into the container.  Measure the
total volume of the mixture (hint, it's going to be a lot less than the
numerical addition of the two volumes).[2]

Makes me think of Particle Man.  When he's in the water does he get wet
or does the water get him instead? :)

On 9/20/2013 00:07, Beddingfield, Allen wrote:
> Yes, because ethanol gas degrades more quickly while sitting in storage/in the tank of the equipment.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jeff Hubbs [mailto:jhubbslist at att.net]
> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 01:48 AM
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
> Subject: Re: [ale] [OT] - Ethanol-free gas in the Atlanta area?
> But is ethanol-free worth going out of one's way for for use with 
> lawnmowers and/or 2-stroke lawn equipment, especially when such 
> equipment sits idle for a few weeks or months at a time?

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