[ale] [OT] Good cable modem to connect to Comcast?

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Tue Sep 17 16:12:58 EDT 2013

On 09/17/2013 04:04 PM, leam hall wrote:
> Any recommendations on make and model of a cable modem to plug into Comcast
> service? It should be 50 down and 10 up. HA! I'll believe it when I see it.
> Still, something mildly secure. I'll put a WAP or something on the other side.
> Leam

Get a DOCSISv3 model ... then use a separate router behind it that you control.
 Don't trust any DOCSIS modem - Comcast can modify any of the settings, even if
you own it.  I've seen this.  Also, DOCSIS v3 supports IPv6, when/if it is
available in your location. Prior standards do not. Lots of other reasons to get
DOCSIS v3 too.

http://mydeviceinfo.comcast.net/ - is the comcast approved list.

I'm on business class now - they own the modem (mandated) - it is an SMC POC.
I've owned Motorolas before and never had issues.  The SB6121 looks like what
I'd select, unless someone else has a good reason to avoid it.

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