[ale] need 5" android tablet / phone for obd car instrumentation

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Mon Sep 16 21:03:11 EDT 2013

On 9/16/2013 18:01, Alex Carver wrote:
> If a cheap tablet doesn't have Bluetooth then it likely won't have USB
> On-The-Go which is what you would need to run a wired USB dongle (i.e.
> host-mode USB that you normally find on a desktop).  This is a hardware
> limitation, it requires a very specific USB chipset inside the device.
> It's not something that can be added by using a simple cable (USB-OTG
> cables are just adapters to change the size and gender of the cable, no
> electronics exist in the cable.)
> Not even all phones have USB-OTG.  Search Google for tablets with
> USB-OTG and you'll find a very small list.  The Samsung Galaxy and Note
> series have it.  The Google Nexus series have it, too, for some of the
> Nexus versions.  Beyond Samsung and Google, one Acer, one Asus, one
> Huawei, one Sony and one Toshiba have it, too.[1]
> Additionally, not all of the devices will have the right USB stacks
> loaded to use the device (most do but some have limitations).
> [1] from a quick Google search
> http://www.lok-it.net/usb-otg-compatible-phones-tablets/

Nevermind, I see you had OTG listed in the requirements.  Still, good 
luck finding OTG on a device that lacks Bluetooth.  BT is the more 
likely thing to implement on a device over OTG.  The demand for OTG is 
low unless you're paying for a high-end device.

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