[ale] [ANNC] ALE-NW @ SPSU MTG. for THIS Thurs., Sept 12, 7:30pm

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Thu Sep 12 09:59:35 EDT 2013

Friendly reminder for the meeting THIS evening.

This topic level is beginner to intermediate, but I suspect all levels of
expertise will learn something useful.

On 09/09/2013 05:40 PM, JD wrote:
> This ALE-NW at SPSU meeting is being held THIS Thursday Sept 12th, 2013
> at 7:30pm in room J-211 of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus. This is
> an open meeting. Everyone is invited, students, non-students, old and young.
> ===================================
> Topic: Sexy Side of Linux Files, Directories and Hierarchy
> Date:  9/12 @ 7:30p - 9:30p-ish
> Where: SPSU J-211
>       Sexy Side of Linux Filesystem Hierarchy, Files and Directories
>                What is where and WHY is it there?
> The Linux directory hierarchy, files, directories, hard-links,
> symbolic/soft-links will be discussed.
> Gaining an understand of these basic concepts is useful for admins, programmers,
> and end-users.
> We will never wonder why program X is in a certain place again!
> We will understand which directory structures are safe to share between machines
> and why some must never be shared.
> We will have music too.  I hope to see you there!
> ===================================
> ALE-NW meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at the SPSU campus.
> Please mark this on your calendar as a reoccurring meeting.
> The group usually adjourns to the Marietta Diner after the meeting.
> ===================================
> For a campus map and a link to directions please see
> <http ://www.spsu.edu/visitspsu/campusmaps/index.htm>
> or visit the ALE-NW webpage page at
> <http://tomshiro.org/twiki/view/ALE/AleNwOrg> for information links from prior
> meetings.
> Learn more about GA-400 Linux Group: http://www.meetup.com/GA-400-Linux-Group/
> We informally meet most Sundays to discuss Linux.
> Free parking after 7pm in non-reserved spaces in the P60 deck is best. If you
> park before that time, you may get a ticket, boot, or toed.
> Building J, the Atrium building, is a short distance east of the parking deck.
> ======
> ALE-NW at SPSU meetings are open events and we hope you will join us!  We generally
> meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, but always watch the ale.org email list
> for specifics. Also remember that topic suggestions and presentation offers the
> meetings can be emailed to [ jdp (at) algoloma (dot) com] or [griggs (dot) andy
> (at) gmail (dot) com]
> ----
> If you are reading done this far, yes, it has been a very busy few weeks at
> ALE-NW. ;)  Thanks for all the help everyone has provided.
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