[ale] CUPS or LPR?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Thu Sep 5 18:02:16 EDT 2013

I'm setting up a couple printers on a new machine with the intent on 
allowing remote hosts to print to these printers.  One printer is a 
serial label printer and the other is likely going to be a laser or inkjet.

Both of them are going to need some kind of direct access given that 
some of the clients will use their own drivers.  So which system do I 
use now?  I remember most of my lpr setup process (though it has been a 
while) but almost everything else around keeps referencing CUPS.


PS:  This is the first install I've done on a multi-head system that 
went so smoothly.  X just worked (with nvidia drivers), it was quite 
pleasant compared to the old incantations.

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