[ale] Create new SVN off old

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Tue Oct 29 21:35:55 EDT 2013

On 10/29/2013 4:46 PM, Chris Fowler wrote:
> Now that I've been beat by SVN I'd like to create a whole new tree and
> start at rev 1.
> Is this the process?
> 1.  svn dump backup old.  Copy for flash and put in safe
> 2.  svn co tree
> 3.  find . -type d -name '*.svn'  -exec rm -v {} \;
> 4.  Remove the repository from /home/svn
> 5.  Import the tree back as a new repository.

Why not just do an svn export instead of svn co?  That way you avoid
having to get rid of the .svn directories.


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