[ale] Any language (wuz: Assembly Language?)

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 15:13:10 EDT 2013

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Michael B. Trausch <mbt at naunetcorp.com>wrote:

>  On 10/28/2013 01:41 PM, JD wrote:
> It is possible to create crap code in any language, of that I am certain.  Some
> of my recent perl stuff is just a gorgeous as the highly reviewed code that
> introduced those catastrophic bugs. Being pretty does not guaranty bug-free. I'd
> submit that pretty code makes finding bugs harder ... sometimes.
> I suppose that depends on how we define "pretty".
> I define "pretty" as:
>    - Following a consistent code style throughout an entire source file.
>    - Using proper visual cues to indicate program flow; in languages
>    where brackets are used, indentation must follow the flow as indicated by
>    the brackets.
>    - Functions do One Thing and Do It Well™.
>    - With some exceptions (e.g., state machine implementations are a
>    prominent example), functions should be limited to less than about 20–30
>    lines of code, and no more than three or so levels of indentation.  If
>    you're doing more than that, break it apart.  This makes it a lot more
>    testable anyway.  Put another way, functions must be short enough to be
>    "obviously correct"—and should not be "clever" unless a previously
>    obviously-correct and tested implementation is being optimized.
>     - Speaking of testing, test, test, test.  I think that testing is so
>    important that I think on future projects I'm going to consider writing the
>    tests themselves to be non-billable time, so that there is no objection to
>    them being done.  If not every line and every branch is tested both for
>    success and failure cases, it's *broken*.
>     — Mike

OK. Mike clearly defines "pretty" from a German perspective wheres JD does
it from an Italian perspective :-)

> --
>  Michael B. Trausch
> President, *Naunet Corporation*
> ☎ (678) 287-0693 x130 or (855) NAUNET-1 x130
> FAX: (678) 783-7843
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James P. Kinney III
*Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain
at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.
It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain
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