[ale] Survey -- preferred Text Editor

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Wed Oct 23 02:22:49 EDT 2013


I'm similar. I began using vi coding on Wyse or Link terminals and 
the flow control never worked. You couldn't just hold an arrow key 
down or the terminal would get completely hosed up. So I was forced 
to learn and use all the vi movements, like w for next word and $ for 
end of line, and eventually more complicated ones. They became 
muscle memory and now I can edit much faster in vim usually. 

Occasionally I'll use Netbeans when I'm doing GUI development 
or some of it's handy refactoring tools, but I still use vim. The trick 
I think is getting past the basic learning curve--it's a horrible editor 
when you only use the arrow keys, insert, and backspace, which I've 
seen some sysadmins & programmers do in the past. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Jim Lynch" <ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com> 
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 6:28:54 PM 
Subject: Re: [ale] Survey -- preferred Text Editor 

On 10/21/2013 03:10 PM, Jonathan Meek wrote: 
> Now to really start the holy wars of all holy wars since we got the 
> preferred distro, desktop, and browser. 
> What's everyone preferred text editor? 
I've been using vi and it's relatives for so long that I find any other 
editor cumbersom. I use an editor for programming mostly and the 
ability to quickly delete or duplicate lines and place them somewhere 
else via the keyboard beats a GUI everytime, IMO. There are so many 
things like the yank (yf. yank all characters up to and including the 
period on one line) substitute (:%s/off/on/g substitute the word on for 
off everwhere) the period to repeat the last command. All of that 
without taking my hands from the keyboard. Combine that with a gui in 
gvim and the world is your pearl! My life would be complete if someone 
would combine the best of geary and vim. 

I learned vi many years ago when some version of it was on every system 
I worked on, that had a command line, that is. I never found it on VM 
or MVS but I wouldn't doubt someone had ported it. 

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