[ale] Please stop spamming the list (Was: Re: researcher develops new secure login procedure)

Brian MacLeod nym.bnm at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 16:44:59 EDT 2013

Hash: SHA256

> Then you should require all the other OT posters to do the same. 
> Otherwise, sorry, no.  I have the same right to be here as anyone 
> else.  And the right to act the same as everyone else.

Now you've tweaked my canard.  There is NO right to be here.  While
this list is pretty open, it is up to the moderator to allow or
disallow people at his or her discretion.  You have no "right" to be
here because nothing is taken away from you by denying your ability to
post here.

The myriad of forums and pages on the internet are perfectly
acceptable form of personal expression in lieu of being on a mailing
list.  There is no "right" to be violated. Your freedom of speech is
not violated, only the ability to speak to a subset of people, who, at
the moderator's discretion (and due to his appointment by the members
of the list) can cut you off from that group.  There is no such thing
as a "right to be heard."

Thus, forcing your "right to speak" in this case is an attempt at
forcing a "right to be heard."  One exists, the other doesn't.  Do not
equate them.

> If the admins want to post rules and enforce them equally, and 
> consistently, then I'll abide by them.

This sounds like "I'm going to do whatever I want until there is
strong rule, regardless of what ever anyone else thinks!"

Let's forget respect and common courtesy, and we'll burn the list down.


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