[ale] 117000 files vs 240 missing - amazon

Sparr sparr0 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 17:04:22 EST 2013

You can FTP in and LIST the directory, which will give you a list of the

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Lightner, Jeff <JLightner at water.com> wrote:

>   A vendor put a site on Amazon with some files we need.   We don’t have
> sftp access to this Amazon site but do have ftp access.
> Accordingly we did a wget to download all the files using our ftp
> credentials.    When all done we got over 117,000 files and saw no errors
> in the wget.
> The problem is vendor is telling our director there are 240 more files in
> their count than we downloaded.    This is less than a 0.2% difference so I
> suspect it has something to do with the way they count vs. the way we did.
> (We used find piped to wc –l.)   Our count matches the summary wget output
> when it finished so we are sure we’re correctly counting what wget did but
> of course it’s possible wget actually missed something though it seems
> unlikely to me.
> The question is does anyone know what might cause such a difference?
> Alternative does anyone know another way we could count the files on the
> Amazon site using our ftp credentials other than going in and counting them
> one by one?
> We’re trying to find out how the vendor did their count but I was hoping
> someone already knows of some vagary on Amazon sites that would cause this
> kind of discrepancy.
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