[ale] ale-chat announcement

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Thu Nov 7 06:10:29 EST 2013

Please don't. Allen B has offed to host one that will be better than a 
Googlegroup or a Yahoo list. On several of these and despise the way 
setttings don't stay set...

Besides it should be a subset of this list, Linux enthusiasts discusing non 
Linux topics, not Joe Random discusing what ever. However, I am hoping Linux 
*will* be discused on the new list. Just not the heavy duty command line 

Plus none of this VI verses EMACS debate! Every one knows KWrite is all you 

On Wednesday 06 November 2013, Justin W Elam wrote:
> I or someone else could create
> ale-chat at googlegroups
> i just checked and 'ale-chat' is available

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