[ale] Web Socket Implementations

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Mon Mar 18 23:49:00 EDT 2013

On 3/18/2013 19:16, James Sumners wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Alex Carver <agcarver+ale at acarver.net> wrote:
>> So when does the betting start on the timing of the first exploit of
>> websockets that vacuums data of a user's hard drive and sends it to some
>> remote location unknown whether by a black hat or by a sneaky company
>> (Google, Facebook, etc.)?
> A socket can only access the resources allowed by the browser:
> http://www.websocket.org/aboutwebsocket.html

Riiiiiiight.  That's worked well for lots of other software so far.

I'm now taking bids on a bridge in New York for any takers.  :)

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