[ale] evernote security breach

Tim Watts tim at cliftonfarm.org
Tue Mar 5 10:22:54 EST 2013

On Tue, 2013-03-05 at 12:37 +0000, Watson, Keith wrote:
> Ron,
> Use a pass phrase. They are easy to type and when they reach 15
> characters or more, very difficult to crack.
> Example pass prase:
> OK so you think you can brute force this pass phrase. Good luck.
Of course, that particular pass phrase may require a few extra
"iterations" of rubber hose decryption. :-)  Also, may want to avoid
phrases like "You'll have beat me to bloody pulp before I give it to

> Like I said easy to type and remember, very difficult to crack. It
> would be easier use rubber hose cryptography to get the pass phrase.
> keith

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