[ale] OT Google's cute animation drives tablet cpu hard

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Jun 21 14:20:12 EDT 2013

On 6/21/2013 11:15, Alex Carver wrote:
> On 6/21/2013 10:49, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
>> Just running an Acer A500 Android tablet with Dolphin web browser.
>> According to a quick search on the web, the tablet has a dual core, 1000
>> MHz, ARM Cortex-A9 CPU and 1 GB ram.  They just upgraded the Dolphin
>> software, and it seems slower than before at loading pages.  I cannot
>> say how the old Dolphin would react to this gif file since I've never
>> had a chance to test that.
>> This animated gif doesn't seem to bother my Firefox on my pc at all.  Of
>> course, my smallest pc that I normally use has a dual core 2 Ghz (I
>> think) pentium cpu and 8 GB of ram.
> So open Google's page on Chrome or Firefox on the tablet and see how
> their rendering engines do.  If the CPU still pegs then there's a
> fundamental problem.  If the CPU behaves normally then Dolphin has a
> rendering problem.

For reference, I've got Firefox on a Samsung S4 with the Google search 
page open.  The graphic is animated and CPU usage is less than five 
percent (this is as monitored by the OS Monitor app).

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