[ale] [ANNC] ALE CENTRAL MTG -- Skipping June - No Formal Meeting Thursday, 2013-06-20
Aaron Ruscetta
arxaaron at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 15:27:27 EDT 2013
With apologies, our ALE Event Coordinators are having to call for
a cancellation of the Thursday, June 20th, ALE Central Meeting.
Jim Kinney has been called away to deal with familial medical issues
and, while I wanted to pick up the slack, my readjustments to life back
in the U.S.A (the fascist nation that leads the world with 5 times the
levels of mass incarceration and global industrial death machine
distribution than it's nearest rival), have kept me extremely distracted.
Along with organizing for stateside work and play travels in July I
haven't found time to arrange a presentation.
And then there are the Emory venue summer time cost issues...
but that's for another discussion.
If all y'all want to meet up at Melton's (or something) anyway,
I hope you will make that happen without me. The restaurant
formerly known as Everybody's Pizza is open for business
as well and might make a good alt.dot.meetup location.
in peace,
ALE Events Coordinator (etc)
PS: July may be skipped as well, but planning for an
ALE Bar-Be-Que are in the works for August.
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