[ale] [OT] Cars and licensing... (Was: Re: Well, this does nothing for the reputation of Linux)

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Jul 23 00:00:26 EDT 2013

On 7/22/2013 19:08, Scott Castaline wrote:
> Try going to Hollywood, Florida. There are 3 roundabouts (actually I
> seem to remember the term rotaries as being used up in New England)
> along Hollywood Blvd. The far East one was the intersection of US 1
> (Federal Hwy) and of course Hollywood Blvd along with 3 to 4 other
> streets feeding this thing. We used to call that one Government Circle
> as city hall, PD and a Fire Station was in the circle itself. This also
> had traffic lights all around it and had 5 to 6 lanes adding and
> dropping off as you traveled around it. Now that is weird.

Government Circle has a library, too, but it's the middle circle not the 
easternmost circle.  Young Circle with the amphitheater in it (I 
attended many of my sister's dance recitals there) is the eastern most 
circle.  And the western most circle has a really interesting all-glass 
office building with lighting that makes it look almost invisible at 
night (though I can't remember the name of the circle).  Having lived 
there for the first half of my life I don't think I paid any attention 
to the fact that they were circles for traffic.  I just rode/drove 
through them as if they were a city planner's bit of fun design.

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