[ale] AAAARRRRG! #@$%#$%$%^$% Don't upgrade K9 Mail!
Jerald Sheets
questy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 08:40:27 EDT 2013
Ok, so I know Ron…not well, but we're acquainted. He was more here letting us all know before we make a mistake than griping but some small measure of griping is warranted, I'd wager.
Isn't that what we're here for? Sharing our experiences, warning about 0-days, exchanging ideas and thoughts about this awesome OS we all love?
Mistake or not, I don't use Android, but am highly thankful people are posting their experiences, success, and failures here. There's a ton of lurkers in this little list that will read his experience, and maybe just a few saved from a similar mistake seeing another member's pain.
Ummm… Go have coffee. That was a little harsh.
On Jul 8, 2013, at 8:04 AM, Michael B. Trausch <mbt at naunetcorp.com> wrote:
> If it is possible, I don't want you on my Internet. Seriously. People
> who do stupid shit like that are the reason I constantly bang my heads
> against walls.
>> You've been warned, but it may not be soon enough.
> Jeez, software upgrades happen. Just because things and people continue
> on doesn't mean you have to pitch a fit about it. If you don't like
> vendors upgrading your stuff, don't upgrade. Deal with the security
> issues that result from that and thus isolate yourself from the
> Internet. (And if you don't isolate yourself from the Internet running
> out-of-date software, well, you get what you get.)
> Otherwise, FFS, deal with it. Nobody has "betrayed" you, and if you
> seriously feel that way, well, write your own software and quit writing
> books about how bad everybody bloody else does it!
> You don't see me bitching about the lack of killfile support in modern
> MUA software, now do you? It is a little more important that my mail is
> safe, than it is that it be free of annoyances and pests. It's a trade-off.
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