[ale] Presentation challenge

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Wed Jan 30 16:48:45 EST 2013

On 01/30/2013 04:11 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> 3rd Thursday @ 7:30 pm on Emory campus. Runs until 9 then the after 
> meeting meeting moves to Meltons for food and beer. We've been known 
> to close Meltons :-)
> It would be a haul but well worth it.
Warning: if you are coming from the south, traffic is a bear.  Last (and 
only) time I left the house (32 miles away according to the GPS) at 
1745, I arrived at 1920.  I thought I'd have time to pick up a 
sandwich.  No such luck.  At least in NYC when you're stuck in traffic 
you can get a cup of coffee and a pretzel.   Here you're lucky if you 
don't get carjacked.

Many years ago when we were meeting at GA Tech, I left work in PTC at 
1730, also expecting to find dinner first, and arrived at 1915. It'd be 
faster to hire a plane and parachute in.


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