[ale] Scientific Linux 6.3 and Intel core 5 fail installs

Sergio Chaves sergio.chaves at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 17:47:09 EST 2013

I decided to take the RHCE/RHCSA exam(s) - not sure yet which one.
I bought me a Dell Latitude E6410, with a core5 processor to install SL 6.3.
I always thought that the processor is a 64 bit processor. Google confirms it.
SL 6.3 X86_64 however, fails to install with the message "...you need
a 64 bit processor".
To kill my curiosity, I downloaded the SL 6.3 i686 and tried to
install it. It fails with the message "...you need a pae kernel".
When I search for bugs and such, I find that older SL/RHEL versions
fail to see the icore processors as 64 bit but that it was fixed/bug

Trying to install on a Virtualbox VM also failed with the same errors.
Next, I will try the SL 6.3 live version. Some folks with same errors
claim to have successfully installed via Live CD.

Any ideas?



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