[ale] computers sometimes befuddle me

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 16:35:12 EST 2013

I was doing routine maintenance -- cleaning out dust bunnies.
Also wanted to isolate which fan was rattling on startup.  It turns out 
the extra case fan is making the noise -- noise goes away after 2-3 
minutes of up time.

Finish the cleaning, close the case, and turn on the power:  get beep code 
indicating no video. WTF

Open up the case and try reseating the video card (mobo video ports have 
died.) No help.  

Changed video cables.  No help.
Plugged my netbook into the big monitor.  Monitor works. (little ARM 
netbook is working as hard as it can to drive the larger monitor at full 
resolution, so browser is slowed to a crawl, but it does work.)

Finally, while I am sitting on the floor scratching my whatever, I pull the 
internal power plug to the noisy fan.  On powerup video works again.



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