[ale] a quick test of web site stupid

Erik Mathis erik at mathists.com
Thu Feb 28 15:00:48 EST 2013

A loooong time ago I got a dialup account with alltel, they asked me my 
what I wanted my username to be, I said root. I was getting their root 
emails. I never tried to "hack" anything but I got a call the next day 
asking me what I wanted my new username to be.

I dont know why this thread reminded me of that, but I got a sorely 
needed smile.


On 02/28/2013 02:22 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> for a web site like, say, a utility company or a shopping site that 
> stores my credit card, I like to test the security of their coding 
> practices by trying to use a password that has a '.' and a '!' in it. 
> When they password checker complains, I take that as a good sign their 
> coders don't properly escape user input data and thus are pro

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